Video: ZonePro 2024 new year Party was successfully held

Video: ZonePro 2024 new year party was successfully held



Last Sunday, ZonePro held a grand celebration party successfully to celebrate the arrival of the new year 2024 and ZonePro's move to new head office in Shenzhen. ZonePro employees, suppliers, customers, partners, etc. attended this party and witness this joy and glory.

Video: ZonePro new year party

In December 2023, ZonePro officially moved its head office to Lechuanghui Building. This is ZonePro' own property with an area of 1,500 square meters and modern offices, conference rooms, LED screen showroom, fitness room, tea rooms, accommodation apartments, etc. ZonePro customers, suppliers and partners visited ZonePro new head office and enjoyed exquisite tea break together.



ZonePro new head office in Shenzhen


cutomers/suppliers visting ZonePro

ZonePro' 2024 new year party started at 6 p.m. Mr. Andy Chen, president of ZonePro, gave a speech. He summarized the achievements of ZonePro in the past 2023 year, and thanked all employees for their contributions ,and suppliers and partners for their strong support.


ZonePro presdent, Mr Andy gave a speech

At the party, ZonePro awarded certificates and bonuses to the employees who had made outstanding contributions to the company, including employees from R&D, marketing, purchasing, finance, and factory management teams.



prize presentation

ZonePro also prepared prizes for luck draw, for all employees. Prizes includes cash prizes of up to 30,000 RMB and various gifts, to thank all employees for their contribution.


ZonePro employees performed a variety of performances at the party, including songs, dances, speeches, piano performances, drum performances, etc.

group photo.jpg

In the new year of 2024, ZonePro will keep innovating to provide customers with excellent products and services.


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